segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2017

Hank Laake Band "Life and Death" (1983)

Estilo: Hard-Rock
País: CAN

Hank Laake: Producer, Songwriter, Drums, Lead Vocals
Dan Brown: Songwriter, Guitars
Terry Fitzsimmons: Songwriter, Guitars, Vocals
Dean Stokka: Bass, Vocals

01. Time to rock
02. What's wrong with me
03. Sin's a losin' game
04. Life and Death
05. Don't walk away
06. Celebrate
07. We are free
08. I'm in you
09. For free
10. New freedom

Um comentário:

  1. Parabens pelo site, continue com o blog muitas bandas nao tem no spotify e não tem muita informação na net, ouvi essa banda numa radio americana a classic christian rock e fui pesquisar para encontrar algo. Obrigado.
